A Few Random Pictures

It’s a new picture format!   We’ll try it for a little while anyway and see how it goes.  These are just a few random pictures that were taken in the last couple of weeks but I thought it was time to get some fresh content up.  Click on the picture to enlarge.  Right-click after it is enlarged to open in a new window (full size).

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Kai’s Birthday Party

Kai turned five last month.  It doesn’t seem quite real that he will be starting kindergarten in just a few weeks!  Considering that his birthday was a month ago I will probably have first-day-of-kindergarten pictures up sometime mid-October.

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A Few More Summer Pictures

The picture on the left was taken the last night we were in Danbury.  The larger lens for the camera was already packed so this was taken with my basic setup (and a tripod).  It is an HDR image so several exposures were taken and then used to keep both shadows and highlights.

With the gallery below I’ve nearly reached the end of our summer vacation pictures.  I believe there are still some on my phone that I need to get off and there may be some worth posting in that lot.  Stay tuned!