Kai got into playing “barber” a little while ago. He’d have the subject sit on the couch and then he’d pretend to use the scissors and comb and occasionally threaten to use the dreaded “buzzer”.
Nora Turns Two
We celebrated Nora’s second birthday a little early this year so that we could have some friends over before everyone left for the long Eid holidays (these pictures are from a couple weeks ago and her birthday was a couple days ago). Most of the pictures below are from the run up to the party since I didn’t get the camera out much during the gathering.
It is amazing to think that it has been two years that Nora has been in our lives.  In some ways it seems like she just came home from the hospital and on the other hand its hard to picture our family unit without her.
Nora – Future Gymnast
I haven’t posted up a video in quite some time so I figured it was time. This one was taken this summer at a visit to Grandma and Grandpa Wiemann in Arlington where Nora was practicing her summersaults on the living room floor.
[flv:/Video/2008_07_24_NoraGymnast.flv 320 240]
Summer 08 – Panoramas and HRD
This summer I took a number of panorama and HDR (High Dynamic Range) shots. Panorama shots I get by taking multiple pictures from the exact same vantage point and then stick them together into a single seamless (If it is done right) image on the computer. The HDR ones can be a bit more fun but requires multiple images taken at different exposures of the exact same scene (which is why there are no action HDR shots).  Normally I use a tripod to keep the camera steady between shots but I left a critical piece back in Saudi so that was no good. I ended up taking these by taking three images in rapid succession hoping the camera didn’t move too much between them.  You can learn more about HDR photography here.