Random December Pictures

Here are a few random pictures from December in Danbury.

2012 Christmas Day

Kai and Nora were up by 6am and Ellen, Art and Karen didn’t arrive until 7am.  That gave them an hour to sort and stack the presents in different ways.    Nora was surprised by most gifts but Kai was pretty sure most thinks were Legos or books.   As he put it “what else would they be?”

2012 Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve started early when our Elf of the Shelf named Danbury visited and left a series of clues that Kai and Nora had to follow to find their presents.    The clues alternated between pictographs (for Nora) and sentences (for Kai) so they could both participate.   That craft elf even had them running a few hundred feet up the road to the garage with the temps hovering close to zero.    Kai got a small star wars lego and Nora a Hello Kitty hat that she has yet to take off.

Later Ellen and Art as well as Aunt Karen joined us for a wonderful evening of conversation and the traditional Christmas Fondue.   The cheese didn’t curdle and there were no burns in the hot oil so – success!    Santa’s progress was tracked through the night via NORAD.

At bed time Nora was out like a light but Kai struggled between being unable to sleep due to anticipation combined with a fervent desire to will himself to sleep lest Santa give our house a pass due to restless kids.

Christmas Decorating

In typical holiday fashion we did both gingerbread houses and cookie decorating.

Christmas at the Posts

On a visit to Arlington we celebrated an early Christmas at Lea Ann and Steven Post’s.    Also there was Annette Wiemann and Paul and Bev.    Kai and Nora had a sleepover with Nina and Sara which they had been eagerly anticipating for a week.  Enjoy the pictures.


Snow Day

This set is from the “snow event” last week.   A couple of days after we arrived a system came through and dropped 7 to 8″ of snow.  A perfect amount.  Not too much that everything shut down but enough for beautiful scenery.   Kai and Nora had fun with snowballs and snow angels and we even started a snow fort off the front deck.   We originally used a snow shovel to move the snow but quickly switched to a 4-wheeler with a snow plow on the front to mound up the snow.   We had a great little fort for a while but since then temps soaring into the 30’s and a patch of rain have turned it into a dirty mound of snow strangely out of place.

Natural Bridge Caverns

One of the side trips that we took in Texas was to Natural Bridge Caverns.  We took the “easy” tour with the kids but it was still a fair trek and a stunning.  It was a chilly day up top but warm and humid year round in the caves.  Stunning display of all things subterranean.

San Antonio

We just got back from a 3 day trip to San Antonio to visit Aunt Julie, Uncle Eric and the cousins Evelyn and Charlotte.   It had been a while since we’d seen Evelyn and it was our first visit with baby Charlotte.   It was a wonderful visit with the Lacoutures and we packed a lot into 3 days not least of which was a visit to Randolph AFB to look at the jets where Uncle Eric is a flight instructor.  Here is the first set of pictures.

2012 Christmas at the Fort

Forts Folle Avoine, a local fur trade re-enactment attration, hosts a “Christmas at the Fort” event each year.   This year we were luck to catch it while Lea Ann, Nina and Sara Post were visiting.   Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs also came over for a visit.  The weather was beautiful except for the no snow part.   That came a day later.

The Elizabethan Evening

This past evening was the Chorale Group’s annual Elizabethan Evening – a night of food, song and period costumes.   Crystal was the only performer but we all went in costume – Ben with his renaissance outfit, Nora as a princess (a costume that really can be worn anywhere) and Kai broke out his Jedi robe to serve as a friar’s garb.  Enjoy the pictures.