Here are a few random pictures from the start of the school year. They are growing fast with Kai now in 4th grade and Nora in 1st. Enjoy the photos!
Nora takes a drink on a
family trip to the skate park
Kai brought along an apple for a snack
I didn't realize how filthy his hands were until later.
They don't skate at the park, they just try to climb the skate ramps and have fun doing it.
Nora with her rubber band bracelet kit
Kai helps Dad make wontons
Many turn out well. Those that don't get squished into a ball while annoucing "dumpling!"
Nora helps Dad with his assembly line.
How many kids does it take to grate cheese.
2 apparently
Kai and Nora play "Dice with Grandma"
It was time to pull a wishbone apart.
It seemed like pieces might go flying when it broke so Nora got out the science goggles.
Khobar helper
We recently went downtown to get new portable chairs. Our favorite camping store makes them sturdy to the point they can barely be called portable. Here Kai helps lug one back to the car.
Nora after first ballet class this year.