We’ve been back from vacation for a couple of weeks now but I’m still working through a bit of a back log on getting pictures off of the camera. Here are few pictures of nature around Bass Lake both large and small. The panorama picture of the storm passing to the north of the lake is one of my favorite pictures. Enjoy!
Bass Lake Pictures
Here are a few more pictures from our summer on Bass Lake.
Pictures of Shattuck
Shattuck has a beautiful campus! After Charlotte’s Baptism I hung around and captures a few HDR images.
Arlington Visit
In our final week of vacation we spent a couple of days in Arlington, MN visiting Grandma Annette, the Posts and, of course, the Sibley County fair! The Sibley County Fair is always a favorite. Plenty of animal barns to walk through, wagon rides, fair exhibits and more than enough deep fried food. Another highlight was the Sibley Soil and Water Conservation District booth in the commercial building. If you are a resident of Sibley County I highly recommend voting for Paul Wiemann as chairman – he certainly has our vote (if we were residents).
Glacial Potholes at Interstate Park
We recently stopped at Interstate Park which is on the border between Minnesota and Wisconsin. It is a wonderful park and home to the largest concentration of Glacial Potholes in the world. The glacial potholes form when rocks in a fast moving river fall into a small divot and swirl around knocking against the rock and acting as a drill. They make circular drill holes some times called “Witches’ Cauldrons”. Often quite small, some in the park are over 60 feet deep!
Charlotte’s Baptism
Earlier this week was neice Charlotte’s Baptism on the Shattuck-St. Mary’s campus where Crystal and I met, began our teaching careers and were married. We hadn’t been back there in over a decade and it was great to see the campus and the positive trajectory the school is on. Enjoy the pictures!