Here are a few more pictures from our winter visit to Danbury. Wrapping presents, decorating gingerbread houses and putting lights on the trees — we’re looking forward to a wonderful holiday season with family.
A cold, rainy, December day over the swamp behind the house.
Kai takes aim.
It was warm enough for Kai and Nora to pull out their foam tipped bows from summer.
Some clever hunger games caption goes here.
Crystal warm by the fire.
The lights in the rain had their own charm.
Nora can finally make a snow angel. She was unfazed by Kai's snowball to the mid-section.
When I was getting ready for the picture Nora said "wait! Let me make a blizzard" and she threw some snow in the air.
Kai makes a blizzard for the camera.
Getting ready to put the siding on the gingerbread house.
Crystal and Kai working on Chez Gingerbread.
Nora and Ben work on thier Gingerbread house.
Nora reading the paper by the fire.
HDR shot of Danbury house as seen from the detached garage.