Here are a few random pictures from May – Nora’s dance pictures, Kai’s first big off-camp campout for Boyscouts as well as Art shows, Arabic presentations, Legos and more!
Nora's dance group on picture day.
Nora strikes a post during picture day.
Kai getting ready for his campout at the beach.
Nora says goodbye.
Nora works on a Lego set
She chews her tongue when concentrating just like her mother.
Nora helps getting a parking permit on King Khalid street.
Kai during his end of year Arabic presentation shows he can purchase wajid kilos of vegetables in market.
Kai plays the role of a dress manaquin in the next skit.
Nora at the Hills School art show.
She wore an old Navy flag t-shirt and cowboy boots. Her national dress.
Kai was photographer.
We still need to work on his camera grip as he depressed the shutter button with his thumb.