Here is a gallery of photos – mostly of Kai – that I recently pulled off the various cameras. It is heavy on Boy Scouts as that has been a big thing for Kai the last few weeks – he finished up 6 merit badges and had almost completed his Star rank. He has some momentum going on his path to Eagle…

With Kai's busy schedule he goes straight from swim practice to clarinet practice.

Kai serves up eggs at the pancake breakfast.

Kai at the Boy Scout Court of Honor where he earned First Class.

Kai is the color guard for the troop flag.

Kai in flag ceremony

Kai guarding the flag.

Crystal and Nora at the court of honor.

Kai chuffed at getting his first batch of merit badges.

Kai chuffed at getting his first batch of merit badges.

Kai reads the annoucement for second class scouts.

Kai reads the annoucement for second class scouts.

Kai earning his first class rank.

Kai psychs himself up to sell Boy Scout pancake breakfast tickets.
Jumping up and down for Kai!!