New Macro Lens

What do you get when you cross a new macro lens, a bright sunny day, and a backyard in bloom.

A: This post! Check out some recent forays into the world of the small and close up with a few lens ball photos thrown in as a bonus.

Portraits and Macros

The two kinds of photography that currently have my attention are portraits and macros. I still need more time with my macro technique but I am enjoying the portraits. Hope you do too…

Ithra Visit

It is such a treat to have the Ithra Knowledge Center so close. We’ve see a number of speakers and performances there but below are pictures of the first visit we made to the museum. We took in the Van Gough exhibit, toured other local artists work and then swung by the Energy Exhibit.

Some Random Pictures

A few more random pictures of Spring in Chez Jacobs.


T1G stands for Troop 1 Girls and it is the first female BSA Troop in the Horizon district which makes Crystal the first leader of a female troop in Saudi Arabia. The Troop is off to a great start with fantastic leaders and energetic Scouts. It is a real treat to see Nora be able to start her path to Eagle.