Devil’s Lake

Devil’s Lake is the best swimming beach close to our cabin in Danbury and we managed to get there to swim a couple of times over the summer.   Though our vacation is over and we are back in the heat and humidity I still have quite a few pictures from vacation so expect a few more posts.

The Winter Wonderland

Our winter vacation back to Danbury Wisconsin is over (as are the lengthy flights home).   It was wonderful to visit family and friends and connect during the holidays.   Playing in the snow and sitting next to a fire while the snow fell outside was a treat as well.  As a parting homage to Wisconsin winter here are a few more outdoor shots that I took over the last month.

Cleaning out the fridge

With departure back to Saudi Arabia iminent it was time to clean out the fridge and freezer.  Art, Ellen, Julie, Eric and Evelyn all showed up to help out the cause.  We had a wonderful meal of steak and salmon.

It was been an excellent winter visit to Danbury but we’re looking forward to getting back to Saudi where it will be a bit warmer (transcontinental flights not withstanding).

Enjoy a few more random pictures from the end of the trip.

Expedition to Hidden Lake

The failed expedition to Hidden Lake

The wetlands area behind our house is a tangled mass of swamp and stunted pines with low branches that intertwine.  In the summer with the water, fallen logs, tangled branches, uneven ground, and mosquitos it is nigh impenetrable.  In the winter with a few feet of snow it is only slightly less so.   What would induce us to travel into such place?  A review of satellite images of the region above Bass Lake revealed the location of an isolated pond tucked away in the middle of the swamp!   The images were a year old.  Did the lake still exist?  Had it dried up?  If we found it would we be the first humans to visit its shores?  It was dubbed Hidden Lake and, since the snow and lack of vegetation offered the possibility passage, an expedition was mounted.  Since the snow was higher than the waist of the shortest member of the expedition (and occasionally up to the waist of the tallest), Ben wore his snowshoes to pack down a trail that the others could follow.

There was snow, a howling breeze, and packs of fearsome squirrels that watched us hoping for an expedition member to get separated from the group.   We made excellent progress, but, in the end were forced to abandon the quest after snow got into someone’s mittens and it was discovered that the quartermaster had neglected to pack any snacks.   Hidden lake remained hidden but not forgotten.   Plans are already being laid for a second attempt…

Macro Photography

Towards the end of the summer in Danbury I took my trusty Nikon outside on a cloudy day and proceeded to see what sorts of close-up Macro shots might present themselves.  It was a wet summer so most of the interesting objects of small scale tended to be fungus.   Enjoy the pictures.

A Family Visit

A week after we arrived, Forts Folle Avoine held their annual Rendezvous where they reenact the fur trade from the early 1800’s.   On that same weekend we a visit from Aunt Lea Ann with Cousin Nina and Cousin Sarah along with Uncle Paul and Bev.   Both sets of Grandparents also attended and it was a real treat to have everyone together.  Kai and Nora enjoyed having a full house and especially having some other kids around to play with.   It was a great weekend!