I am clearly a boring, middle aged guy because I’ve really liked the last few weeks of steady, predicable schedules. As a result of our boring, yet comfortable, existence there have not been many pictures taken but there have been a few. I recently cleared out the photo-stream and here are some worth sharing. Enjoy!
Crystal and her friend engage in a real life game of "angry bird"
Kai after his haircut
Downtown outside of Al Zamils to have a pillow resized.
Walking Webster in a rare desert rain.
At the Boy Scout pancake breakfast
Ben, Crystal and Kai at his last full Cub Scout event.
The Webelos II get ready to be led in for the ceremony where they earn their Arrow of Light.
Kai and Nora outside of the refurbished Ad Diwan building.
They squabble a lot but I think Kai would have a lot more patience with Nora if he realized how cool she thinks he is.
Face paint goes onto the Webelos
Kai crossing over to Boy Scouts
Kai with Scout Master Rick.
A frantic game of paint the Webelo. Too many scouts, too little space.