Here is one of the first galleries from summer vacation. Crystal was still working in London so the kids and I travelled over on our own and had the first few days to ourselves.
Final Days in Danbury
Winter vacation is over but the photos are still coming off the camera. This is the last major gallery which includes chopping holes in the frozen lake, sledding and enjoying time in the “cabin.” I had such great luck capturing 360 panoramas of the clear night sky that I decided to try the same thing with my Nikon. Much harder to do, especially trying to focus in the dark. Still, I had at least one turn out well that I included here. Enjoy!
Fun in the Snow
Our winter vacation in Wisconsin is drawing to a close. Here are a few more pictures from the last few days.
Snow on Bass Lake
Two days before Christmas the temperatures soared up toward freezing making for we, slushy snow that was perfect for rolling, packing, snowballs and making snowmen (and snowowls).
Bass Lake in the Winter
Here are a few random photos that did not make the other galleries I posted.
Christmas on Bass Lake
It was a wonderful Christmas day on Bass Lake. Grandma Ellen and Grandpa Art arrived before the sun was up and we had a great morning opening presents and enjoying each other’s company. Later in the day we had rain, freezing rain, howling winds and even some lightning. Quite a day!
Posts’ Visit
Our first weekend back we hosted the Post family. It was great seeing Lea Ann, Steven and the cousins, Nina and Sara.
More Danbury Pictures
A few more pictures from Summer 2016…
Danbury pictures
A few random pictures from the summer 2016 vacation…
Posts Visit
This last weekend Lea Ann, Nina and Sara came for a visit. Here are a few pictures…