Here are a few more pictures of the Mauritius trip.
Mauritius Helicopter Flight
Here are a few more shots taken during the helicopter ride over the sourthern part of the island.
A day at the beach
Last weekend the Russells graciously invited us for a picnic and day at the beach at the Half Moon Bay Yacht club. The weather could not have been better and the dolphins made a rare appearance. Nora even got to go out in Ian Russel’s sail boat at see the dolphins up close. Kai is in day four of his five day Oman trip so I threw in a picture of him on his way out the door. Enjoy!
2013 October Random Pictures
I’m finally getting around to clearing pictures off the camera after a long hiatus. Here are a few I thought I’d share from October.
Koh Samui 2012
The Eid Holidays are our major chance for travel during the school year and because they align with the Hijra lunar calendar they move up about 11 days each year.  This year the break fell at the end of October which made the time right for a tropical island trip to Koh Samui, Thailand.  We stayed at Rocky’s Boutique Resort which was just perfect – small and private with a great staff and a wonderful beach.  For the most part we simply alternated between beach, pool, massage and food in various combinations each day.  One interesting side trip was dinner at the Tree Tops restaurant – only 7 tables and nestled in the branches of a huge tree and overlooking Chaewing Bay.  Amazing dining experience complete with a “salt guru” who visited our table to recommend the correct type of salt to use with the various dishes.  The other highlight was hiring a boat for the day to take us out for some “snorgling” as Nora calls it, fishing and some time on a tiny island that was all beach.
Enjoy the pictures ((Some of these pictures were also posted on facebook during the trip itself but I’m didn’t take the time to weed out duplicates))! Note that I’m still fiddling around with the new gallery format on the site since I upgraded – hopefully everything is working. Drop me a line if things don’t seem to work or you have a suggestion for improvement. I’m keeping my web photos on Flickr now and just linking a gallery onto the blog.  You can use the “view in Flickr” link to just to my photostream and view even more images.
More Vacation Pictures
This batch is mostly pictures of us at one beach or another. We spent a short time on a beach in La Jolla, California where the kids enjoyed the waves and we saw a distant brown smudge on a far rock that was almost certainly a seal.  In tamer waters we spent some time on Devil’s lake as well as Lake Superior.
Kai and Nora at the beach in La Jolla
Here is a video of us at a beach in La Jolla Shores. The waves were a bit much for the kids so Crystal was doing her best to keep them out of the water. As I took the video I was standing in the (freezing) water up to my ankles – the dialogue is a bit hard to decipher due to the wind but it all revolves around Kai and Nora busting me for standing in water when they can’t.
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Birch Aquarium and the USS Midway
The last day we spent in San Diego we visited the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla which the GPS Navigator pronounced phonetically as La Joe-la. Kidding aside, driving in new territory with a GPS Navigator is such a marvel of the modern age. No more fiddling with maps ahead of time, just jump in the car and go!  I remember our very first GPS was in a car we rented in Germany several years ago. I swear when we missed a turn the German woman’s voice would get a disappointed edge to it as it recalculated our route. Not so with our current model. Crystal programmed in an Australian accent for our current unit and it never runs out of patience.
After the aquarium we let the GPS direct us down the coast for a visit to a beach – we figured it would be a shame to have visited Southern California without at least being on a beach for a few minutes. The beach was nice but the water was pretty rough with signs posted warning of dangerous rip currents so we kept Kai and Nora back as well as we could. The water was freezing so I’m surprised that they wanted to go near the water at all but they were keen to get their feet wet. One bonus was the seal we saw sunning itself on a rock a little ways from shore.
Our last major stop of the day was the USS Midway – a carrier put into service shortly after WWII which saw its last action during Desert Storm. Now a museum it was amazingly well done. If you are ever in San Diego I highly recommend this attraction. They had actual aircraft up on the deck spanning the years the carrier was in service and the self-directed audio tour was top notch.  I’ve never been on a carrier before and I was blown away. Kai too. He was most taken with the missles and bombs; Nora’s big question was “where do they brush their teeth?” We thought it would be a quick walk through and we’d be on our way before the kids got bored but we ended up staying a long time – especially on the flight deck with the planes.
Enjoy the pictures!
Cub Scout Beach Day
A day at the beach
This last week was a very humid one. With the long weekend we knew we wanted to get to the beach for a morning but we also knew that however hot and humid it was in Dhahran, Ras Tanura would be more so. Last week one morning dawned that was fairly tolerable so we headed out. By noon on the way back it was pretty miserable but we still managed a pleasant morning for all of that.