November Pictures

Here are a few more picture posted from November events.  Enjoy…

Cub Scout Campout

Once again I am a few weeks behind the times in getting pictures posted but here are a few from the recent Cub Scout campout.   Highlights included fire making, building a catapult, a night time scavenger hunt and winning the desert cookoff by cooking chocolate cake in an orange.   We woke up the next morning a rare gentle rain which wasn’t strong enough to be unpleasant but was perfect to focus everyone on a speedy breaking of camp.

Cub Scout Campout

This last weekend was the annual Cub Scout campout for Pack 3253.   Even though the campout was right on camp a lot of work and planning goes into it – especially from Den Leader Crystal.   The kids had a wonderful time though and I know that it is an event that Kai really looks forward to.   Siblings were allowed to join starting at 4pm so Nora was there playing flashlight tag and sleeping in the tent overnight as well.

This year Den 14 was in charge of the opening flag ceremony and Kai’s name was drawn to be the US flag bearer.  He took his role very seriously and it was one of the best executed flag ceremony I’ve ever seen 3rd graders do.

Enjoy the photos!


Cub Scout Campout

Last weekend was the annual Cub Scout campout –Kai’s first.  We camped out on the cricket fields on the edge of town.  It was nice being close but also far enough away to make it feel like we went somewhere.   Having camped in the desert I can also say that it was much nicer to camp on a field of well trimmed grass than in the sand somewhere.    We all went out to set up the tent and then from the opening at 10am until the 4pm awards ceremony it was scouts only.   After than it was open to families so Crystal and Nora came and joined us.

The pack leader laid the ground work for his campfire story by telling the scouts that if they saw any rattle snakes with red eyes to tell him right away.  “Don’t look at them for sure but come tell me right away.”   Kai was intrigued but when Nora got wind of it she had the serious heebie jeebies and did not want to be out there as the sun was going down.  She stuck it out though and at the campfire story was totally intrigued[[it was a good story, well told, not too scary though if late at night fiddle music has been heard out in the desert half the kids would have bolted]].  Even four days later Nora told me at dinner “Dad, did you know that Martin Stone played fiddle and that after that terrible night (here she drops her voice for effect) he was never seen again.”