Last week we had our first big snow storm and I took some pictures of course.  All told it dropped about 7 inches and it sure gave us plenty to play in.   Over the course of yesterday we got another 7 inches so there may be more snow pictures coming.

Building Our First Snowman

After a little more snow we tackled the task of building our first snowman.  Kai had been looking forward to this for a long time but Nora didn’t stomach the cold for very long.   The snow wasn’t very sticky so getting the pieces of the snowman made proved quite difficult and we had to scale back the plans for a snowman as big as Dad.  Today and tonight we have another 6 inches forecast so perhaps we’ll get another chance before we leave.

First Snowfall

A couple of days after we arrived in Danbury we had our first snowfall.   That morning we bundled up and headed outside for some fun in the snow.  There was only about 2 inches and it was bitter cold but we still had some fun.  We’ve recently had a lot more snow (and a lot more cold).  Stay tuned for more snow pictures!