Building Our First Snowman

After a little more snow we tackled the task of building our first snowman.  Kai had been looking forward to this for a long time but Nora didn’t stomach the cold for very long.   The snow wasn’t very sticky so getting the pieces of the snowman made proved quite difficult and we had to scale back the plans for a snowman as big as Dad.  Today and tonight we have another 6 inches forecast so perhaps we’ll get another chance before we leave.

Cold in Danbury

Last night it got down to -15 degrees and the moon was as big and full as I’ve ever seen.  With the snow cover it was bright as twilight outside.

The pictures below are from shortly after we arrived.  There had already been a little bit of snow on the ground so we bundled up and went outside to play and take some pictures.

Alas, poor Yorick…

Alas poor Yorick

We bought a coconut at the commissary and had a little bit of fun with it the other day.   “AlasMonkeyFace, poor Yorick” occured to me as Kai was examining the “face” and it made for some cute pictures that capture the moment.  Your high school English teacher gets bonus points if you get the reference.   After lots of shaking and guessing what was inside we opened it in the backyard and had a taste.   Nora liked it, Kai didn’t.



January 21, 2008

Every night after we go for a walk (now that it is a little warmer) I get out my cold pack and lay down on the living room floor to ice my back.   Last night Nora climbed up on my chest, gave me a great big hug, and let out a big sigh.  It was very touching for a father.  Crystal managed to catch it with the camera the second time she did it.

After I got up to put the ice pack back in the freezer Kai and Nora both laid down where I had been and Kai announced “Look Dad, we are icing our back also.”
