Danbury Winter Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from our winter visit to Danbury.   Wrapping presents, decorating gingerbread houses and putting lights on the trees — we’re looking forward to a wonderful holiday season with family.

Happy Danbury!

When we first bought the place we referred to is as “Danbury” in that Danbury is the closest tiny town at about 4 miles away.   As in “can’t wait to go to Danbury”.   The kids thought the name of the house itself was “Danbury”.   Now, on vacation, our morning greeting when someone wake up is “Happy Danbury!”

First Days of Vacation

Here are a few pictures from the first days of vacation.  The day after we arrived we had the treat of celebrating Kai’s first birthday in the USA.  Usually we don’t arrive back here until the next week.   Grandma Ellen made a cake and the Posts, Jacobs, Lacoutures and Millers stopped by to help celebrate.  Enjoy the pics!

Home Addition

The home addition is coming along nicely.  For those that are interested here are some pictures of progress made so far (and a few other bonus pics).

A few more Danbury Pictures

On December 31 I went out in the early AM before the sky started to change and tried to capture a few interesting shots of the house.  It was below zero with a respectable breeze which was not conducive to having dextrous fingers to fiddle with camera knobs.  That combined with the difficulty of focusing and shooting in very low light kept most from turning out but there are a few worth sharing.  For reference these were taken when the sky was almost entirely dark – they seem like dawn is well along only due to the long exposure.  The only lights in the house were the patio light in the back, the fireplace inside and the Christmas lights strung on the deck.

The ones below are a combination of long exposures, high dynamic range and extreme photoshopping.

2012 Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve started early when our Elf of the Shelf named Danbury visited and left a series of clues that Kai and Nora had to follow to find their presents.    The clues alternated between pictographs (for Nora) and sentences (for Kai) so they could both participate.   That craft elf even had them running a few hundred feet up the road to the garage with the temps hovering close to zero.    Kai got a small star wars lego and Nora a Hello Kitty hat that she has yet to take off.

Later Ellen and Art as well as Aunt Karen joined us for a wonderful evening of conversation and the traditional Christmas Fondue.   The cheese didn’t curdle and there were no burns in the hot oil so – success!    Santa’s progress was tracked through the night via NORAD.

At bed time Nora was out like a light but Kai struggled between being unable to sleep due to anticipation combined with a fervent desire to will himself to sleep lest Santa give our house a pass due to restless kids.

Holiday Cheer

Holiday cheer is in full swing on Sharar Circle.  Trees are up, treats are made and Christmas specials have been viewed.  The “Holiday” playlist on the iPod runs on shuffle-repeat all day long – with almost 700 songs it takes a while to hear any repeated though I must say that tracks from The Bob Dylan Christmas album make far more appearances that may be expected by chance.  Enjoy the pictures…