Easter 2012

Here are a few pictures from the recent Easter celebration.  We colored eggs using just food coloring this year and it worked out well.   The kids left our unpeeled carrots (the Easter Bunny prefers these –  it is known), cabbage leaves and carrot juice.  The Easter Bunny hid eggs for the kids and left them a clue hunt that led them to their Easter baskets.

Finally, Easter Pics

It always seems to take a while before I manage to download photos from the camera, sort them on the computer, select a few and upload them to the site.  This year’s Easter is no exception.  With a Thursday/Friday weekend over hear celebrating Easter on Sunday is less than ideal so we took advantage of some of the Easter Bunny’s off-peak rates and took a visit on Friday morning.   Later we attended an excellent neighborhood Easter celebration complete with egg hunt and sack races.   Enjoy the pictures!

A Summer Visit to Arlington

The week before we came back we packed up the car and headed down to Arlington Minnesota to visit family.   The first day we went out to the Posts’ farm to have dinner with Aunt Lea Ann, Uncle Steven and Cousin Nina.  Grandma and Grandpa Wiemann also were there and Uncle Paul and Bev stopped by as well.

Visiting the farm is a favorite for Kai and Nora since they have chickens (Lea Ann stacked the coop so that there were sure to be plenty of eggs to find) as well as goats, cats, and lots of room to run around.


Truth be told it was Friday, not Sunday that the Easter Bunny came.  Since Sunday is a work day here we put in a special request that he visit us early and, since Dad has some Easter Bunny wasta, he was happy to comply.

The Easter Bunny hid some baskets with books and a new toy in the house and then left a series of clues scattered through the house.  Each clue was a picture inside an egg that led to the next clue until finally the basket was found.  Kai and Nora really got into it and it was a hoot to watch them decipher the trail.

When that was done we found the Easter Bunny had left some plastic eggs hidden outside.  Some had chocolate and some were filled with confetti that looked like someone had emptied the bin on an automatic 3-hole punch.  Clearly the Easter Bunny works in an office when he isn’t doing his egg gig.

A Trip to Arlington

Ben is back from his trip to Portland and we are under the two week’s left point on our vacation. Time sure flies and, of course, we’re falling behind on publishing images to the website. Here are some of a trip we took to see Grandma and Grandpa Wiemann in Arlington Minnesota. It was a nice visit and the kids had a great time in Grandma and Grandpa’s huge yard (and the cornfield beyond) as well as at Lea Ann and Steven’s farm.