A Life Crowded with Incident

I mentioned in the last post that Kai has a trip to the ER recently.  A combination of running in the house, a loose carpet and a tile floor led to a banged up mouth.  Crystal was traveling in Abqaiq but thankfully the Collins were home and able to watch Nora while Dad and Kai rushed off to the ER.  Thankfully there were no loose teeth and the oral surgeon thinks everything will heal just fine.    Kai is getting to be an old hat at the ER here and he behaved very well once he established that he wouldn’t need to have a nebulizer treatment for his breathing (which is the usual reason for a visit).  As a friend of ours remarked, Kai’s has been “A Life Crowded with Incident” ((From Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest)).  Notice the ER bracelet in the pictures.  He wears them as a badge of honor and still has this one on.