Back from a business trip

Ben just got back from his 6 day trip to San Antonio for the National Educational Computing Conference which was a fantastic experience.

The pictures below were taken a couple weeks before I left and I took them on the road with me to tive me something to do during all of the travel time. Crystal was getting ready to start here job as curriculum coordinator and so Ben took Kai and Nora to the kiddie pool one morning to give here a little work time. There is nothing like heading to the pool on a hot and humid day and it was really hot and humid that day. The foggy first picture really captures what it felt like.

Making Faces in the Backyard

We are at that pleasant time of year when it is nice and warm ((I started drafting this post two days ago when this was true but today the high is 104 and the sky is full of dust)) but not too hot to play outside with the wiggle water snake in the backyard.  After a session getting everyone wet and muddy ((the wiggle water snake doesn’t discriminate)) we hosed off, had a snack at the table in the backyard, and practiced making faces.