Cleaning out the fridge

With departure back to Saudi Arabia iminent it was time to clean out the fridge and freezer.  Art, Ellen, Julie, Eric and Evelyn all showed up to help out the cause.  We had a wonderful meal of steak and salmon.

It was been an excellent winter visit to Danbury but we’re looking forward to getting back to Saudi where it will be a bit warmer (transcontinental flights not withstanding).

Enjoy a few more random pictures from the end of the trip.

The New Fireplace

Our big project this summer was getting a fireplace installed in the house.  We really like the way it turned out.  On a warm humid day it doesn’t seem like such an accomplishment but when winter rolls in we are really going to appreciate it.   Here are a few photos of the install process.

Back in Danbury

The weather has been beautiful in Wisconsin since we’ve arrived.  We’ve had a few thunderstorms and an evening of steady rain as well as plenty of sunshine.   We’ve done the unpacking and cleaning and completed one day of the fireplace installation.  So far they’ve installed the fireplace itself and framed it in.  Later this week we’ll get the stonework on.  We also spent an afternoon at the Jebel house with Grandma Ellen and Grandpa Art.   Grandpa Art took Kai and Nora hunting for worms and promises to take them fishing later.  For both of them digging for worms has been the coolest thing they have done in months.  It is all they talk about even a day later.

Enjoy the pictures.