With a week off from school and work thanks to the Eid Holiday we packed up and headed to the Magic Kingdom in Orlando. It was a long series of flights to get there from Saudi Arabia but all of our connections went smoothly. We all had a blast spending 6 full days in the Disney parks and even managed to spend some time with Lea Ann, Nina and Sara Post who happened to be there at the same time. Enjoy the photos.

Nora with her Mickey Mug

Kai and Nora at the Grand Floridian Lobby.

Family shot at Epcot

Nora at Epcot

Kai at Epcot

Crystal and Lea Ann hoist thier liters.

Ricola and the Cough Drops perform at the Epcot Biergarten.

On main street USA

At the haunted mansion

Nora with her Jasmine costume

Jacobs and Posts at the entrace to Tomorrowland

Jacobs and Posts at the entrace to Tomorrowland

Nora getting ready to go into dinner in the castle

Family picture with Cinderella.

Dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table in the castle.

Nora with her wishing wand.

Kai nervous that the next pricess to sweep through will give him another kiss on the cheek.

Nora and Kai with Aurora.

Nora with Princess Jasmine at dinner in the castle.

Waiting for the parade

With our obligatory Disney balloons at the Magic Kingdom.

Kai and Nora in jail with Zurg.

A family shot from the Rose Garden

Kai and Nora check out the Magic Kingdom ducks.

Kai and Nora waiting for our table at the Liberty Bell Tavern.

Family shot at the Magic Kingdom.

Nora all tuckered out outside Expedition Everest.

Family picture at Animal Kingdom.

Nora all tuckered out at Animal Kingdom.

Kai and Nora with glowing mouse ears at Fantasmic

With Pigglet at the Crystal Palace.

Nora sees Piglet headed our way.

With Tigger at the Crystal Palace.

Kai and Nora with Eeyore

Dinner at the Crystal Palace with Pooh Bear

Nora on the carosel

Kai and Nora squabble in the Dammam airport at passport control on our way home.

Kai with Jimminy Cricket at Animal Kingdom.

Nora with Tinkerbell

Dancing with Olaf