A Bahrain trip with the kids

As a reward for a sustained improvement in table manners and general decorum Kai and Nora earned a trip over to Bahrain for a movie, dinner and a stay at the Gulf hotel which has a pool they love.   The movie was Rango and dinner was a Tepanyaki treat.  Kai and Nora were absolutely transfixed by the food being prepared at the table though Nora ate about a pound of edemame and little else.


Here are a few more pictures of Kai and Nora taken on my iphone with the Hipstamatic app.

It looks like Nora will turn into a pretty good cook.  A ruthlessly good cook.  Below is a sample of the dialog she recently had with the pile of mushrooms she was chopping for our dinner.  She will not eat the mushrooms but she is more than happy to chop them up.

Nora (in a deep, menacing voice): “OK mushroom, now it is your turn”
Nora (as mushroom in high pitch pleading): “No, please! Not me, Heeellllppp!”
Nora (in deep, menacing voice)
: “Ooooh my Dad is gonnna looooove you!”  <chop> <chop> <chop>

Let the Activities Begin!

After school activities are back in full swing and, with Nora turning 4, she is able to start joining her own.   She started preschool this week and is enrolled in a dance class as well.  Kai has joined cub scouts and is continuing with his soccer team, art school and Karate.  It keeps us all busy after school.  Here are a few pictures.  For those that seem grainy and out of focus that is on purpose.  I was using the hipstamic app on my iphone to get that old-photo-nostalgia.  It takesa very fancy camera to get pictures that bad so easily!

iPhone Pictures

This latest round of pictures came off of my iPhone.  I used an application called Hipstamatic that applies photo filters for a range of effects (you can see I prefer the antique filters).   The neat thing is that all of the processing is done when the photo is taken.  You select the filters and then shoot.  What you get is what you get — there is no going back an applying different filters to the same shot.

iPhone Pics

Warning – this post contains nothing but cute pictures of our children and lots of them.  If you are in any way allergic or just don’t care for pictures of other peoples children then read no further.

My iphone syncs with my calendar and contacts so well over the wireless that I never really need to connect it to the computer anymore.  The downside to that is I rarely think to download photos I’ve taken–until last week that is.   Here is a collection of phone photos over the last several months.