Here are a few more pictures from our summer on Bass Lake.
Glacial Potholes at Interstate Park
We recently stopped at Interstate Park which is on the border between Minnesota and Wisconsin. It is a wonderful park and home to the largest concentration of Glacial Potholes in the world. The glacial potholes form when rocks in a fast moving river fall into a small divot and swirl around knocking against the rock and acting as a drill. They make circular drill holes some times called “Witches’ Cauldrons”. Often quite small, some in the park are over 60 feet deep!
Charlotte’s Baptism
Earlier this week was neice Charlotte’s Baptism on the Shattuck-St. Mary’s campus where Crystal and I met, began our teaching careers and were married. We hadn’t been back there in over a decade and it was great to see the campus and the positive trajectory the school is on. Enjoy the pictures!
Summer Fun
Here are some more pictures from summer. Enjoy!
Random Vacation Pics
Here are a few picture from the last few days. It include a visit of the Julie, Evelyn and Charlotte to Chez Danbury along with a few other random pics.
More Danbury
Here are a few pictures from earlier in vacation. Kai and Ben pooled their money to buy a quad-copter with an HD camera that they’ve had fun piloting around.
Cousins Visit
Last weekend Lea Ann Post along with Nina and Sara came to visit. Here are some pics.
Spooner Rodeo Parade!
Yesterday was the Spooner Rodeo Parade! We love going to it every year – in our opinion it is the perfect small town parade – we always leave it feeling red, white and blue. Good clean fun and dirty tootsie rolls picked up off the street!
Trip to Arlington
We recently took a trip to Arlington to visit family. Some pictures have been added to the website. Enjoy!
A few more vacation pictures added. Enjoy!