Last Saturday we saw the Spooner Rodeo Parade with Grandma Ellen and Grandpa Art. As always it was a hoot and we even saw Uncle Jerry Miller driving a truck in the parade though we weren’t able to get his attention. There were multiple marching bands, fire trucks, and even a vintage Sherman tank and, as always, plenty of candy thrown from the floats for the kids to scramble for. Kai and Nora came away with quite a haul.

Grandma Ellen, Kai and Nora
With one of the outfits that Grandma Ellen made for Nora.

In the loft
Kai and Nora look down from their play area in the loft.

Mr. Hat
Nora plays with her new friend while waiting for the parade to start.

Checking for tanks
On the way into town we saw a Sherman tank idling in a parking lot. We were pretty confident it would be in the parade and we weren't disappointed.

Great weather
It was a little cloudy and we even got a sprinkle towards the end of the parade. Overall perfect weather.

Nora waiting for the parade

With another outfit Grandma Ellen made.

The honor guard kicked off the parade

Nora was so excited she was bouncing.
If you look closely you can see Nora's feet aren't touching the ground

Putting on a good show for the camera

Candy scramble!
The Spooner Rodeo Parade is surely marked on the calendar in the Tootsie Roll factory.

or trying to get the tootsie roll off her teeth?

Kai wore his packer jersey on purpose
he figured better to leave the purple at home on this particular day.