On our free afternoon we took the kids out to explore Bangkok a little bit. Crystal and I have seen many of the sights but for Kai and Nora the last time they went through these places was in a baby sling. It turned out the day was hot – temps climbed over 100 and the humidity was thick.
Our goal was to visit Wat Pho – the Temple of the Reclining Buddha and maybe the Grand Palace as well. The traffic in Bangkok has not improved and much of the afternoon was spend in a cab traveling just a few miles though being air conditioned it was not that bad a place to spend time. Also, slow ride through Bangkok – including Chinatown was in a way its own tourist attraction. It turned out that the Grand Palace let in the last tour group at 3:30 so we didn’t make it in time for that one but we did reach Wat Pho.

Wat Pho
Kai took this picture of Crystal, Ben and Nora outside Wat Pho.

Inside the temple of the reclining Buddha.

Kai poses with the reclining Buddha.

The bottom of the Reclining Buddha's feet

Kai and Nora make a ritual donation
The entire wall of the reclining Buddha shrine has tiny donation bowls. You can purchase a cup of coins and walk along dropping a coin in each one - each tiny clink sending a prayer. Our taxi driver assured this would bring long life.

Nora taking a water break after the reclining Budhha.

Not too impressed.
A 41m long reclining Buddha statue just isn't that interesting I guess...

Heading back to the taxi
It was humid and hotter than the normal Bangkok hot so each minute meant another small increase in discomfort. Here we had reached our limit and started heading back to the taxi.