Each year the local fur trading camp historical site puts on a 3-day re-enactment of the fur trading days along the Yellow River. It is only a mile from our house as the crow flies so we make it a point to attend each year. This year the Post family joined us. Enjoy the pictures.
A Few Random Images
The Siren Fly- In
Some Random Summer Pictures
Canal Park, Duluth
The New Boat
Spooner Rodeo Parade
Each year Spooner, Wisconsin hosts a major Rodeo that kicks off with a parade. Since it is in early July it is hit and miss whether we are back in the US for it but this time we made it. The weather could not have been better and it was a fine parade. It was great spending time with Grandma Ellen and Grandpa Art but the highlight for the kids was certainly the tradition of throwing candy from the parade. They each walked away with a few pounds!
A Few Random Pictures
Crossover 2012
Kai Turns 8
We held Kai’s birthday party a couple weeks ago because some of his friends were already starting to depart for the summer. I spent the last week in San Diego with lots of big plans about getting pictures posted in my free time outside the conference. That didn’t happen so much but, on the way home, I did get some pictures posted of Kai’s birthday party. Enjoy!