A few weeks ago we were in Arlington to celebrate Ken Wiemann’s 80th. All of his children and grandchildren were there making it a special time. Enjoy the photos.
A Family Visit
A week after we arrived, Forts Folle Avoine held their annual Rendezvous where they reenact the fur trade from the early 1800’s. On that same weekend we a visit from Aunt Lea Ann with Cousin Nina and Cousin Sarah along with Uncle Paul and Bev. Both sets of Grandparents also attended and it was a real treat to have everyone together. Kai and Nora enjoyed having a full house and especially having some other kids around to play with. It was a great weekend!
Back in Danbury
The weather has been beautiful in Wisconsin since we’ve arrived. We’ve had a few thunderstorms and an evening of steady rain as well as plenty of sunshine. We’ve done the unpacking and cleaning and completed one day of the fireplace installation. So far they’ve installed the fireplace itself and framed it in. Later this week we’ll get the stonework on. We also spent an afternoon at the Jebel house with Grandma Ellen and Grandpa Art. Grandpa Art took Kai and Nora hunting for worms and promises to take them fishing later. For both of them digging for worms has been the coolest thing they have done in months. It is all they talk about even a day later.
Enjoy the pictures.
More Random Pictures
Random Pictures
Kai Turns Six!
Here is a collection of pictures from Kai’s birthday events. He had a week of birthday celebrations as he had a party with his class, we had a party with friends a few days later on the weekend and a quiet dinner on the actual day of his birthday. My apologies for the pictures of his class party and home party being mixed up together in the gallery.
The Last Day of Karate
Kai’s Art Show
A couple of weeks ago Kai’s art school had its big, end of year art show. Kai submitted three pieces and, due to an overlapping appointment at an army themed birthday party ended up attending the show wearing a helmet and face paint. Nora, however, know that this was a formal event didn’t miss the chance to wear a nice dress.
Just Like Grandpa
The other day at breakfast Kai announced to me that “Me and grandpa are pretty much the same”. I said “oh?” Kai replied “yeah, we both have big teeth.” We have a collection of old family photos hanging in our living room and Kai was looking at the one of grandpa Art taken when he was in the 3rd grade. Clearly a lot of personality traits can be traced back to the size of your childhood front teeth.
Kindergarten Day
At the end of this last week was Kai’s Kindergarten day. It was a small event just for the parents in his class to come in and spend a half hour to watch some pictures of the school year, thank the volunteer Moms and impress parents with some of the work they’ve done over the school year. Not only is that a pretty special day but it also coincided with Kai’s turn as student of the day which meant that he got to check the weather and lead the class in songs. He did a great job!