
To help Kai get more confident with his bike riding we went out to an empty parking lot on the edge of town where he had lots of room.  He would bike far away and then come back and zip past us yelling “Awesome!”  The smile on his face in the pictures says it all.

iPhone Pictures

This latest round of pictures came off of my iPhone.  I used an application called Hipstamatic that applies photo filters for a range of effects (you can see I prefer the antique filters).   The neat thing is that all of the processing is done when the photo is taken.  You select the filters and then shoot.  What you get is what you get — there is no going back an applying different filters to the same shot.

Little Gardeners

This is a wonderful time of year in Saudi Arabia (weather wise) and it’s the only time to plant flowers and such (it gives them a few months to grow before the summer heat scorches them).   As always, Kai and Nora are game to help out.

Grandma and Grandpa Visit

I hope you all have had a wonderful 2009 and we are wishing you the best for a peaceful and prosperous new year!  We ended 2009 on a high note this year.  Grandma Ellen and Grandpa Art are over for a visit which is a special treat for Kai and Nora.  Also, it rained a little on new year’s day which is always a special event over here.

Christmas in Bahrain

It was a very merry Christmas this year!   We spent three days at Julie and Eric’s over in Bahrain along with Grandma Ellen and Grandpa Art (and Lucy and Willa).  Christmas eve we had the traditional fondue and Christmas day after opening presents we had a feast with both kinds of roast beast (ham and turkey).

iPhone Pics

Warning – this post contains nothing but cute pictures of our children and lots of them.  If you are in any way allergic or just don’t care for pictures of other peoples children then read no further.

My iphone syncs with my calendar and contacts so well over the wireless that I never really need to connect it to the computer anymore.  The downside to that is I rarely think to download photos I’ve taken–until last week that is.   Here is a collection of phone photos over the last several months.