Fall activities and performances…
Nora’s Birthday party and Halloween
In the spirit of clearing off the backlog of photos here is another gallery from the last few months.
Camp Dobbins
This past week Kai spent 6 nights at the Chris Dobbins Boy Scout Camp along with twenty other scouts from Troop 1 in Dhahran. There was sun, rain, lightning and hail but everyone survived and Kai had an “awesome” time.
Jebel Visit
Kai and Nora recently did an overnight with Grandma and Grandpa Jacobsa nd we met up the next day at the Farmer’s Market in Baron.
Summer on Bass Lake
Arrival in Danbury
Here is one of the first galleries from summer vacation. Crystal was still working in London so the kids and I travelled over on our own and had the first few days to ourselves.
The Duluth Huskies Game
Several years ago Crystal had the brilliant idea to take the kids to a baseball game and we landed on the Duluth Huskies at Wade Stadium in West Duluth. Since then it has been a cherished summer ritual to take in a game, overdo it at the concession stands, get a picture with Harley Husky and then the kids go through the line of players to get a baseball or a shirt signed by the team.
Whenever the team wins they end the game with the crowd singing “Sweet Caroline” and we’ve heard it every year, except this one. Still, a fun time by any measure.
The Danbury Parade
The little burg of Danbury just up the road had their fourth of July parade early and we attended with neighbors Pam and Lois. A great, small town parade and they were not stingy with the candy.
Spring Pictures of Kai
Here is a gallery of (mostly) Kai pictures including basketball, band, the NJHS induction and some Boy Scouts thrown in. Enjoy!
Tanzania Trip Gallery #2
Here is the second gallery from the Tanzania trip. This one is of the trek up[ Mt. Meru. Enjoy!