The last Mada ‘in Saleh Gallery

I thought we were done working through the Mada ‘in Saleh picture but here are a few more we downloaded from Cyrstal’s phone.  In the interest of thoroughness I present the true final gallery from Mada ‘in Saleh.

Mada ‘in Saleh #4

This is the last of the galleries from Crystal and Kai's visit to the ruins of the ancient Nabatean empire at Mada 'in Saleh.  Enjoy!

Mada ‘in Saleh #3

Here is the third Mada 'in Saleh gallery!   One more to go - stay tuned.

Mada ‘in Saleh 360 degrees

Here are some pictures from Mada ‘in Saleh taken with the Ricoh 360 camera.   These are full 360 degree pictures so pan around.

An finally, the room where they spent the night – it has to be seen in full 360 to be appreciated.

Mada ‘in Saleh #1

A couple of weekends ago Crystal and Kai took a trip to the ancient Nabatean site at Mada ‘in Saleh.  The age limit on the trip didn’t allow Nora to go so Ben and Nora did a day over in Bahrain.   Crystal and Kai came back with some amazing pictures – here is the first batch.