Here are a few random pictures from Danbury that didn’t make the other galleries.
Christmas at the Fort
The day after putting Crystal on the plane for her conference in DC we bundled up and headed over to Fort Folle Avoine for “Santa at the Fort.”  Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs met us there. We had a nice meal of wild rice soup, Kai and Nora did a little shopping in the elves shop and we listened to the story on the people-eating elk from the Ojibwe storyteller.  Of course a visit with Santa was on the list as well.
Willa’s Visit
Cold in Danbury
Last night it got down to -15 degrees and the moon was as big and full as I’ve ever seen. With the snow cover it was bright as twilight outside.
The pictures below are from shortly after we arrived. There had already been a little bit of snow on the ground so we bundled up and went outside to play and take some pictures.
A Visit to Jacobs’ Jebel
Thanksgiving Day 2008
The Day Before Thanksgiving
Aquarium Society Banquet 2008
We’ve been in Wisconsin for a week now and I’m just getting around to checking back in on the blog. This post was left hanging so I’ll post it now before moving on to vacation pics.
The night before we left for our winter vacation in Wisconsin we attended the Aquarium Society’s annual banquet. It is a very large and vibrant group and there was a dancing and singing show which totally captivated Kai and Nora.
Art School Fun
Random Pictures
Here are a few more random pictures that were waiting in the queue. The first couple were taken when Kai came back from art school where they explored mixing colors by mixing different colors of frosting. A pretty cool idea – and then the bonus was that they got to frost cookies and bring them home.