There were a number of really interesting photos I took in Mauritius – here are a few that I cleaned up an enhanced in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop that I think are particularly share-worthy – enjoy!
There were a number of really interesting photos I took in Mauritius – here are a few that I cleaned up an enhanced in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop that I think are particularly share-worthy – enjoy!
Our winter vacation back to Danbury Wisconsin is over (as are the lengthy flights home).  It was wonderful to visit family and friends and connect during the holidays.  Playing in the snow and sitting next to a fire while the snow fell outside was a treat as well. As a parting homage to Wisconsin winter here are a few more outdoor shots that I took over the last month.
Well our early summer vacation has drawn to a close. We have successfully made the transatlantic trip once again with little incident unless you count Kai’s meltdown in Amsterdam when he was going on almost 20 hours with no sleep.
Below are a series of photoshopped or otherwise enhanced images that I took over this vacation at our house in Wisconsin. I still have a few more galleries of different family visits that I will post in the coming days so stay tuned!
Nora’s new bedroom has 3 walls painted yellow and fourth is painted green ((it is what I am told is an “accent wall”)). When I saw the color green that Crystal and Nora picked I immediately thought of chroma-key effects. These are just with a still camera, my new attempt will involved better lighting and a video camera.