This is a gallery of a few pictures from early summer 2021 as we were closing down the school year and getting excited about summer vacation in the USA. For a while it was looking unsure about whether we’d be able to travel but COVID cases stayed low and, by the time these were taken, we were pretty much dialed in to the fact that we’d get a real summer vacation!
Random Spring Pictures
It was a slow spring in Saudi Arabia. With COVID happening and vaccines just starting to become available we were just keeping our heads down and getting through the weeks. Still there were a few interesting pictures to come out of it including when Nora and Crystal were both inducted into the Order of the Arrow in Scouts.
Pre-Vacation Gallery
Our long awaited 2020 vacation was long-overdue, short, and is now over. That means plenty of pictures to go through on the camera. This first gallery is from the few days just before we left.
Random June Photos
Summer break is fast approaching and so I am clearing off the camera memory in preparation. Here are a few pictures from the last month or so I thought I would share. Enjoy!
2015 Random Spring Pictures
The family blog has been a little bit quiet over the last few weeks with the posts few and far between.  Spring is well on us now and the temperate weather seems to we winding down. We did have some sprinkles the last few days but we also had our first 90 degrees and humid day. I think it is only going to get warmer from here on out. Enjoy the pictures.
Painting Pontoons and Building Stilts
A Few Random Pictures
We had quite a shammal blow in yesterday–lots of fine dust. It has been a cold, dry winter here so far but it sure beats the hot, humid summers. The dust meant no soccer practice so we headed into Khobar to purchase some birthday gifts for parties Kai and Nora are invited to and had a dinner out.  On a completely unrelated note here are a few random shots from the last week or two.
Kai becomes a Wolf Scout
Fire Station Visit
A guided tour of the local fire station! One of the goals of Cub Scouts is to help the scouts understand their community and how it works and so on a recent weekend we met for a tour of the Dhahran main camp fire station.  It was a great experience for the scouts (and the Dads). Who doesn’t love a fire truck!