Snow on Bass Lake

Two days before Christmas the temperatures soared up toward freezing making for we, slushy snow that was perfect for rolling, packing, snowballs and making snowmen (and snowowls).

Snowman update

We built the snowman a week ago and with some cold temps and high winds he lost a little weight (and a few teeth) due to wind sculpting.  However, the latest snow put a few pounds on him.

Building Our First Snowman

After a little more snow we tackled the task of building our first snowman.  Kai had been looking forward to this for a long time but Nora didn’t stomach the cold for very long.   The snow wasn’t very sticky so getting the pieces of the snowman made proved quite difficult and we had to scale back the plans for a snowman as big as Dad.  Today and tonight we have another 6 inches forecast so perhaps we’ll get another chance before we leave.