Here is the last gallery from summer – a real grab back of different events from July. Some may have already made appearances on facebooks so please forgive any repeats.
Nora volunteering at the Forts Folle Avoine pancake breakfast
Nora volunteering at the Forts Folle Avoine pancake breakfast
Kai volunteering at the Forts Folle Avoine pancake breakfast volunteering at the Forts Folle Avoine pancake breakfast
Kai and Nora in their uniforms
Nora and Crystal at the Forts
Troop 1 representing at the Forts pancake breakfast
#GoHuskies! Waiting outside Wade Stadium before the game.
Nora with Victor Viking
Nora makes a classy friend
Getting balls signed after the baseball game
A stroll in Canal Park
Artsy shot of pylons in Canal Park
Nora in Canal Park
Kai in Canal Park
Nora doing her nails on the deck
Crystal with Remington
A pizza comes out of the oven
Crystal at the campfire
Nina and Sarah at the campfire
Kai at the campfire
Nora and Sarah at the campfire
Nora approves of freshly baked bread
Getting ready to cook pizza!
Nora with Chula
Kai and Remington
Checking on the pizzas
Nina helping sling pizzas at Bass Lake
Nina helping sling pizzas at Bass Lake
Grandpa Art at the Spooner Rodeo parade
Nina at the parade
Nora and Sarah waiting for the parade to start
Crystal waiting for the parade to start
Grandma Ellen at the Spooner Rodeo Parade
Lea Ann at the Spooner Rodeo Parade
Nora knew what she wanted
Nora with a bucket 'o doughnuts
Nora and Grandma
Julie with Art and Ellen at the fabulous Country Lanes famers' market
Ben, Art, and Ellen at the Country Lanes farmers' market.
Last family photo tradition at the Jebel before leaving for the airport.