A Cold Snap

We’ve had a cold, rainy, windy last few days and, yesterday when the wind stopped, it got even colder. I know that 40F 36F doesn’t sound that extreme (and it feels strange calling it cold after so many years in Minnesota) but with the moist air and the wind it does feel pretty extreme.      Nora and Kai don’t seem to mind it though and we have to sometimes struggle on the jacket issue. Nora likes to wear a hat (unlike Kai at this age) but she also likes to look at the hat so she’ll frequently pull it off to look at it and then set it back on her head. It falls right off as soon as she moves because she’s too small to actually fit it on, it is just balanced there.

Vangie got Kai a Spiderman pullover which he loves and wants to wear everywhere.

While Kai is sometimes annoyed that Nora can’t really play with him yet, Nora adores Kai. She calls him Bruhr (one syllable-her word for brother) and always wants to be doing whatever it is he is doing. The picture in this post really captures that.