Grandma and Grandpa Arrive!

Kai and Grandma Prepare ValentinesGrandpa and Nora readingGrandma and Grandpa arrived late on Monday night and are here for a short visit.  Kai was beside himself the next morning eager to see them but, after the trip and with jet lag, they were still asleep.  Kai would screw up his courage to go upstairs to waKai and Grandma prepare valentineske them up but by the time he would get to the door he could only whisper “Halloo Grandma and Grandpa” and then run downstaGrandpa and Nora Readingirs.  By evening we were all awake and together and Kai got some help from Grandma to get his valentines ready for preschool and Nora was excited to have personal book reader.  You can tell from the second picture how much she is taken with Grandpa.

Her language has really exploded the last couple of weeks as well.  She is trying a lot more words and clearly understanding a lot more as well.  She eagerly attempted Grandma (Gam-Gam) and Grandpa (Guh-Ka).