A Visit to Superior-Duluth and a Huskies Game

Last week we took a trip up to Superior-Duluth. We got some shopping done, had a great visit with Ron and Sal Miller and stopped by Josh Miller’s new shop. We capped off the day with our annual Duluth Huskies game where Kai and Nora both got game balls signed by the whole team and we met some interesting people – the owner, his mother and a major supplier for SACO in Saudi Arabia.

Pizza and Eagles on the Lake

This last Saturday it was all about pizza and eagles. Ellen and Art Jacobs stopped by for some pizza cooked in the wood-fired oven and later I went out for a spin on the kayak and spotted some bald eagles and a big golden eagle in some trees on eagle point. All I had was my iPhone and the fact that you can make out the eagles shows how close I was. Next time I’ll try taking out the camera with the long lens and see what I can get.