A last trip to Bahrain

Last weekend was our last trip to Bahrain.   Not forever, I’m sure, but certainly for this school year as with Ramadan coming a trip to Bahrain just isn’t the same.   We picked up some clothes and shoes at the mall, saw the Avengers movie (liked it) and then hung out at the motel and beach.   We took the kids our to a rare fancy dinner at the Meat Co.   Overall a great weekend.

Kai’s Basketball Tournament

The basketball season was short this year as they needed wrap things up before Ramadan begins next week.   That means only a few weeks of practice and one tournament.   Still, basketball is Kai’s “thing” – he had a great time playing and we had a great time watching.    Interesting fact though – expertise built playing NBA2k18 on the PS4 has only a very minor transfer to actual basketball play on a live court.