Vector Graphics from Bahrain

We recently took a trip to Bahrain which gave me a chance to explore some new graphics options – specifically vector graphics. Most images are bitmaps – a collection of pixels, each with a color, tint, brightness, etc. A vector graphic is a mathematical representation of the image instead. This makes it more difficult to capture fine detail but the results can also be intriguing. Here are a few that I captured in Bahrain this last weekend that I think are kind of fun.

Bahrain Trip

A three day weekend means a two night trip over to Bahrain. We stayed in a hotel at the City Center mall which meant a great move (Spiderman) and time for Kai and Nora to do some independent shopping. We also did a fancy brunch, lots of shopping for Kai, a trip to the Bahraini National Museum and a tour of forts we haven’t visited since the kids were born.