High Dynamic Range (HDR) in Turkey

I’ve been dabbling with HDR images for several years now. The process involves taking three (or more) images at different exposure levels and then using software to blend the images together – the over-exposed image captures good detail in the shadows and the the under-exposed image captures good detail in the highlights. The end result can often be striking. The results can often be striking and, because the human eye has a much higher dynamic range than a camera it can often better approximate the detail that someone sees in reality.

Because three images are being blended, it is difficult or impossible to capture HDR images of people or moving object which is why they are typically only seen of architecture or landscapes. In the early days I used a tripod and manually adjusted the exposure. These days my camera has a bracket setting and will take 3 images at the proper exposure in quick succession.

Because of the required software post processing the results can’t be fully appreciated in the field and the images are only compiled after returning home. Here is a set of HDR images that I took on the recent trip to Turkey….enjoy!