Here is the first vacation gallery with pictures from our travel and initial arrival in northern Wisconsin. Due to COVID we mostly stayed to ourselves with Grandma Ellen and Grandpa Art being the only family we interacted with. Thankfully Chez Jacobs is a great place to hunker down. Some early snow helped us get in the holiday mood as well.
One Snowy Evening…
Shortly before leaving we were fortunate enough to get a last bit of snowfall which meant an evening walking in the woods out to County Road FF. This was early January in Wisconsin so by evening I mean 4pm.
Jacobs Jebel in the Snow
Here is a gallery of some pictures I took on a visit to my parents house (Jacobs Jebel). It was just above freezing so icicles were forming but there was still plenty of snow. Kai and I walked down into the valley where there is an old storage shed with weathered boards that I like to photograph – normally I get pictures of in overgrown in the summer but this time around I got to photograph it in the snow. Enjoy!
Woods Walk in the Snow
Still working on a backlog of photos. This one is from December 28 when there was a mix of freezing rain and then heavy snow. Nora and I took a stroll up South Shore Drive for a bit of photography and lack-luster sledding. Still, a few nice pictures….
Around the cabin
Still clearing the backlog on the camera. Here are a few pictures from around the cabin this December.
Fun in the Snow
Our winter vacation in Wisconsin is drawing to a close. Here are a few more pictures from the last few days.
Snow on Bass Lake
Two days before Christmas the temperatures soared up toward freezing making for we, slushy snow that was perfect for rolling, packing, snowballs and making snowmen (and snowowls).
The Second Expedition to Hidden Lake
Alert readers will remember that two years ago a failed expedition was mounted to Hidden Lake.  There are no roads or paths to Hidden Lake and its existence was only noted by looking at a Google Earth view of the area around Danbury.  Two years ago with over 2 feet of snow on the ground we set out to find it but ended up turning back short of our goal when grahm cracker provisions ran low.
This year we resolved to try again.  On Jan 1, 2013 Ben, Kai and Nora set out to find the elusive lake and met with success!  The pictures below document the amazing journey.
Snow Day
This set is from the “snow event” last week.  A couple of days after we arrived a system came through and dropped 7 to 8″ of snow. A perfect amount. Not too much that everything shut down but enough for beautiful scenery.  Kai and Nora had fun with snowballs and snow angels and we even started a snow fort off the front deck.  We originally used a snow shovel to move the snow but quickly switched to a 4-wheeler with a snow plow on the front to mound up the snow.  We had a great little fort for a while but since then temps soaring into the 30’s and a patch of rain have turned it into a dirty mound of snow strangely out of place.
Sleds, Fighter Jets and a very cold Squirell
We managed to get in one last day of sledding before the temperatures soared to 36 degrees and a steady drizzle made the driveway unsleddable.  In other news we had a wonderful New Year’s Eve visit to Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs’ house where Eric, Julie and Evelyn Lacouture are also staying. On New Year’s Day Eric showed Kai and Nora his flight helmet which was a big hit.