A new format for the website!

I’ve decided to switch the interface for our family website to a blog format powered by WordPress. I’m doing this for a couple of reasons, one of which is that it is much easier to manage and update. This new format is web-based and so I can work on updates from most any computer and I won’t have to come up with new procedures and software every time Microsoft upgrades their operating system and my current software won’t work. The second reason is that I think that there is a lot of potential to this kind of website management in education and I’m eager to play around and explore the possibilities. I hope you like the new format and I will continue to link in material and content from the old website(s) so that material won’t just go away.

palmBy the way, the theme for this site was developed by Viktor Persson and was modified with permission. I changed a couple of colors and added the sand dune background. Also, the palm tree silhouette in the banner is from a palm tree caught at sunset not far from our old house in Udhailiyah. Crystal thinks that is it a bit scraggly looking and suggested I might look for a more idealized palm tree outline. On the other hand, sometimes life is scraggly and doesn’t approach the ideal so I think I’m keeping the current palm tree just for the metaphor (and because I’m stubborn).

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