Christmas Eve started early when our Elf of the Shelf named Danbury visited and left a series of clues that Kai and Nora had to follow to find their presents. The clues alternated between pictographs (for Nora) and sentences (for Kai) so they could both participate. That craft elf even had them running a few hundred feet up the road to the garage with the temps hovering close to zero. Kai got a small star wars lego and Nora a Hello Kitty hat that she has yet to take off.
Later Ellen and Art as well as Aunt Karen joined us for a wonderful evening of conversation and the traditional Christmas Fondue. The cheese didn’t curdle and there were no burns in the hot oil so – success! Santa’s progress was tracked through the night via NORAD.
At bed time Nora was out like a light but Kai struggled between being unable to sleep due to anticipation combined with a fervent desire to will himself to sleep lest Santa give our house a pass due to restless kids.

Nora's new hat
Here is Nora getting some breakfast ready early Christmas Eve. Our "Elf on the Shelf" named Danbury had it waiting for her when she woke up and we are going on the third day with her not taking it off at all.

Nora and Grandma Ellen
Nora poses with Grandma Ellen. Nora was very proud of being able to blow up a balloon herself.

The New iPhone
Ben shows Art some tips and tricks for using his new iPhone that Julie and Eric sent him. Kai was just hamming it up.

Preparing the cheese fondue
This year it turned out wonderfully! I'm 3 for 4 in recent memory for creamy, uncurdled cheese fondue.

Christmas Eve Dinner
Our most dangerous Christmas Eve tradition - hot oil and cheese fondue!

Balloon tennis
Nora kept a game of balloon tennis going most of the evening.

Mixing up the Porridge
Kai and Nora raid the spice cabinet to make the Reindeer Porridge. This year we used a grits base and flavored it with garlic, onion, thyme, basil, cloves and some breakfast sausage seasoning (among other things). The Reindeer always appreciate the effort.

Note For Santa
Nora leaves a note for Santa along with some cookies milk and the Reindeer porridge.